jeudi 4 février 2021

Moi, je t'aime VOSTFR


Titre originalIo ti amo
RéalisationAntonio Margheriti
ScénarioAntonio MargheritiRenato Polselli
Acteurs principaux

Alberto Lupo
Wanda Capodaglio

Sociétés de productionGenesio Productions
Pays d’origineDrapeau de l'Italie Italie
GenreDrame romantique
Durée96 minutes

synopsis io ti amo (moi, je t'aime)

During an air trip, Prince Tancredi, a well-known abstract artist, gets to know air hostess Judy and is charmed by the young woman. When he asks her to pose for him Judy accepts. Following a few negative remarks on her part about his work Tancredi is driven to question himself artistically. Now, Judy has to leave but she promises to see Tancredi again, which they do. Their mutual attraction soon turns into a burning passion...



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